Page 16 - Pure Life 24
P. 16

A Comparative Approach to the “Trinity”… A-S. Fatemi Hasanabadi and M. Islami / 15

                  The  Bible  contains  the          The Christian Organization
               Christian  religious  beliefs  and    and its Rites
               principles,  which  is  called        Christianity  is  divided  into
               “Canon”  and  in  Greek  means        three  major  denominations:
               scale,  and  in  this  sense,  the    Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant.
               Bible  can  be  considered  a         The  most  important  Christian
               scale  of  Christian  beliefs.        denomination  is  the  Catholic
               (Ashtiani, 2011: 14)                  denomination, followed by the
                  Thus, the Christian Bible is       Orthodox and Protestant denominations.
               composed of the Old and New              Apart from these three major
               Testaments, which include the         denomination,  other  religions
               Torah and some of the various         emerged in Christianity, numbering
               epistles, and the New Testament,      as many as 150 denominations
               which     contains    the    four     and  religions.  The  largest
               Gospels of “Matthew”, “Mark”,         Christian  denomination  today
               “Luke”,  “John”  and  it  is  also    is Catholic, which the pope is
               “Acts of the Apostles” and the        its leader. (Moballeghi Abadani,
               numerous letters and “Book of         1997: 784)
               Revelation”, which is according          There  are  also  about  360
               to  what  has  been  explained,       denominations  in  Christianity,
               this article tries to explain this    each  of  which  has  its  own
               category  in  the  Holy  Quran,       beliefs  and  is  hostile  bias  to
               the Bible and with the Lord of        each  other.  (Kashif  al-Ghita,
               the  Church,  focusing  on  the       1974: 241)
               “Trinity”;  but  before  entering       Another  point  is  the  main
               the  topic,  it  is  necessary  to    rites and rituals of Christianity,
               clarify the relation of some of       which are briefly mentioned:
               the  concepts  in  Christianity          -  Baptism:  It  is  a  holy
               that are related to this category           bath  and  wash  (Fazai,
               as  an  entry  to  explain  the             1982:  258)  and  is  a
               debate.                                     purification from sin which
                                                           is  called  “Repentance”
                                                           in Islam. This is done to
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