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               20  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 13-37, Autumn 2020

                 Some  Christian  scholars           God, (First Epistle to Timothy,
               introduce with verses in which        3:  16)  God  was  in  Christ,
               Jesus  identifies  himself  as  the   (Second     Epistle     to    the
               Lord of the Shabbat (Matthew,         Corinthians, 5: 19) Christ was
               12:  8)  and  the  bread  of  life    in  the  image  of  God  and
               (John, 6: 35) or says: Whoever        became in the likeness of men,
               believes  in  me,  if  he  is  dead,   claiming  that  the  Bible  also
               he is alive, and whoever lives        knows Christ as God. (Epistle
               and  believes  in  me  will  never    to the Philippians, 2: 5)
               die,  (John  11:  25)  or  the  fact    Referring to this verse from
               that  I  and  the  Father  are  one,   the  “Gospel  of  Matthew”
               (John  10:  30)  they  know  a        which says that the Father has
               proof of the divinity of Christ.      given  me  everything  and  no
               (Munger, 1962: 34)                    one knows the Son except the
                 Finley,  a  Christian  thinker,     Father,  this  author  writes:
               writes  about  the  concept  of       Jesus has clearly stated that the
               Christ  being  the  Son  of  God,     essence  of  the  Son  of  God  is
               emphasizing  the  oneness  of         one  of  the  mysteries  that  No
               God  and  the  absence  of  a         human  being  can  understand
               physical wife and child: Christ       this, in other words, only God
               was  born  by  Mary  only  from       knows  the  depth  of  this
               perspective  of  the  body,  and      mystery. (Matthew, 11: 27)
               the  title  of  Son  of  God  is  not   With  this  statement,  he
               related to his birth from Mary.       considers the divinity of Christ
                 This  leads  us  to  one  of  the   beyond  the  scope  of  human
               most  important  mysteries  of        understanding and considers it
               the  Bible,  and  that  is  that      necessary  to  accept  it  despite
               Christ  was  the  Son  of  God        his  opposition  to  reason  or  at
               from  the  beginning,  even           least lack of rational proof.
               before  the  creation  of  the          William  Horden  is  another
               world. (Finley, 1981: 24)             Christian scholar who believes
                 He  appeared  in  the  body         in  the  use  of  words  such  as
               with  reference  to  verses  like     God,  Lord,  Savior,  and  only
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