Page 19 - Pure Life 24
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18 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 13-37, Autumn 2020
include Brahmins, Iranians, is the term, the three
Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Hypostases that it is necessary
and Chaldeans; (Rashid Ridha, to examine each of these three
2014, Vol. 6: 567) of course, Hypostases separately to reveal
the “Trinity” is not in the sense how to believe in the “Trinity”
that is known to Christians. and “Deism” of these three.
In Hinduism, the greatest Hypostases has Greek roots
and most famous worship is and means the way of
“Trinity”. In this ritual, three existence; that is, three ways
gods are worshiped in the for the existence and action of
Sanskrit language “Trimurti”, God. These are the Father, the
which are as follows: Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Brahma: God of Father in Arabic language
creation and the creator means father and in Christian
of the whole culture, the Father is the name
- Shiva: God of death and of God, who is eternal and the
total deadly Creator of the universe. He is
- Vishnu: God of life and the God who has determined
protector of the whole the destiny of the world from
the beginning.
The Brahmins believe that His name in the Old
the absolute existence and the Testament is “Yahweh”.
whole soul of the Brahman- (Noss, 2013: 276) Some, citing
Ātman have appeared in three the text of the Old Testament,
manifestations and are believe that Yahweh is the
manifested in these three gods, only father of a group of
each of whom is engaged in human beings.
his own action and work. Robert Hume, a researcher
(Noss, 2013: 276) in the history of religions, writes:
In the Old Testament,
The Three Hypostases the specific name of
One of the definitions that is God is Yahweh. In 28
directly related to the “Trinity” places in the Torah,