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               96   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 93-105, Autumn 2020
               time  of  Zayd  ibn  Ali;  as            Baghdadi,  after  introducing
               Baghdadi writes: The Zaidiyyah        the “Saboiyyah” as a “Rafiḍia”,
               denomination is called “Rafiḍia”.     calls several other groups such
               (Baghdadi, 1948: 21)                  as  the  “Imamiyyah”  and  the
                  In  Khwarizmi  “Mafatih  al-       “Zaidiyyah” by this name; then
               'Ulum” it is stated: The group        he  writes:  The  “Imamiyyah”
               that  pledged  allegiance  to         and  “Zaidiyyah”  denominations
               Zayd ibn Ali and then left him        are  among  the  groups  and
               has been called a “Rafiḍia”.          denominations  that  are  within
                  In  “Al-Misbah  al-Mounir”         the  Islamic  Ummah;  but  the
               he writes: “Rafiḍia” is a group       “Saboiyyah”  denomination  is
               of  Shiites  in  Kufa  who  left      not  one  of  the  denominations
               Zayd ibn Ali, then this title is      of    the    Islamic    Ummah,
               applied to those who exaggerated      because  Imam  Ali  has  been
               the innocence of the “Sheikhein”      called God. (Baghdadi, 1948)
               and  allowed  mockery  of  the           This  statement  is  used  that
               companions. (Fayoumi, 1964)           the  ratio  of  “Rafḍh”  to
                  Over time, this title was also     “Imamiyyah” and “Zaidiyyah”
               used  about  the  “Imamiyyah”         is not correct; because they are
               and  was  recorded  in  books  of     among  the  Muslims  and  the
               “Religions and Denominations”;        “Rafiḍia” is one who is outside
               as  Abu  al-Ḥasan  al-Ash'ari         of  Islam  and  the  Islamic
               writes:  “They  were  called          Ummah.  In  the  books  of
               “Rafiḍia”   by the “Imamiyyah”,       denomination  and  religions,
               because  they  rejected  Abu          “Rafḍh”  and  “Rafiḍia”  have
               Bakr  and  Omar”.  (Ash'ari,          been  attributed  to  a  group
               1980: 89, Footnote)                   called  “Saboiyyah”;  then  this
                  Al-Dhahabi  and  Hafez  in         title has been applied to groups
               “Tahzib”,  have  referred  to         such as “Zaidiyyah”, “Imamiyyah”,
               those  who  have  mocked  the         “Kaysanites” and “Ghulat”.
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