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               100   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 93-105, Autumn 2020
               Prophet.                                     way that the Quran was
                  Therefore, the word “Rafiḍi”              revealed  to  Ali  and
               has also been applied to those               Gabriel mistakenly read
               who  have  loved  the  Ahl  al-              it to the Prophet.
               Bayt;  as  an  example  was
               quoted from Shafi'i.                      2.  Exaggeration  about  Ali
                 In  general,  it  should  be               ibn  Abitaleb;  so  much
               noted  that  this  term  does  not           so that they doubted his
               appear  in  the  hadiths  of  the            death  and  said  that  Ali
               Prophet and is a title given by              had hidden and ascended
               one group to another.                        to  heaven  like  Isa  ibn
                                                            Maryam  and  thought
               Opinions of the Rafiḍis                      that  he  was  God  and
               In order to show the incorrect               this  belief  spread  to
               of  the  relation  of  “Rafiḍi”  to          others such as Kaysanites
               the  Shia,  it  is  necessary  to            and  Khattabiyya  and
               briefly  refer  to  some  of  the            they considered Mohammad
               beliefs    that    have     been             ibn  Hanafiyyah  and
               expressed in the written works               Imam  Sadegh  as  God
               of “Religions and Denominations”             (Dar al-Madani and al-
               as  the  beliefs  of  the  Rafiḍis;          Zuabi, Bita: 8-10)
               because  the  “Imamiyyah”  do             3.  Prohibition  of  camel
               not  believe  in  any  of  these             meat.  (Dar  al-Madani
               beliefs;  But  rather  consider              and  al-Zuabi,  Bita:  16;
               them to be false beliefs.                    Baghdadi, 1948: 223)
                 Baghdadi      describes     the
               Rafiḍis views as follows:               In  a  general  summary,  and
                   1.  The    relation   of    a     considering the study of historical
                      prophet  to  Ali  and  the     documents,  it  can  be  clearly
                      relation  of  error  in        concluded that the “Imamiyyah”
                      conveying the revelation       are  separate  of  the  beliefs
                      by  Gabriel  in  such  a       expressed,  and  in  this  regard,
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