Page 116 - Pure Life 25
P. 116
A Comparative Analysis … N.T Jørgensen and M. Sohrabian Parizi / 115
The view of the Islamic thought, was to be created in
ethical thought is that ethical the image of God.
truths are independent from The Islamic ethical thought
the commands of God, and does not use the same term;
human reason. The only role But if one makes use of
of reason and revelation is to interpretations, one could
discover ethical rules, not to argue that the implementation
create them. As they are of God’s attributes holds the
independent truths, the same meaning as the one of
commands of God cannot the Christian thoughts.
contradict the human reason, The fundamental ideas
like exemplified in the regarding the purpose of life
Christian ethical thought. are similar; But they are
God plays a necessary role expressed and explained in
in both thoughts; But the two different ways. With other
purpose of the creation of words, we find similarities in
humans is important too. The the general concepts, and
purpose and final goal of differences in the foundations
humans, in the Islamic ethical and the details.
thought, is reaching perfection, The Christian ethical
meaning closeness to God and thought agrees to some extent,
thereby happiness. It is based that only through perfecting of
on the concept and ethical ethical traits, humans can
idea, that humans seek obtain their relation to God.
happiness as a natural instinct. Different from the Islamic
The perfection is reached thought, the Christian does not
through perfecting noble traits, describe the purpose of ethics.
whereas the ethical rulings are Ethics are somehow implicit
key tools. The purpose of in the Christian thought, and
ethics is then to help humans something commonly understood;
to reach happiness. But we find that choosing God,
The purpose of human life, and surrendering to the
according to the Christian command of God is the highest