Page 112 - Pure Life 25
P. 112
A Comparative Analysis … N.T Jørgensen and M. Sohrabian Parizi / 111
Kierkegaard did not need to have an awaking Self is
rational or scientific proof that hard work. It demands a
God exists, rather he stated struggle or fight, not against
that by looking around oneself, others; But a fight to gain self-
looking at the World and the control. (Sabir, 2007: 112)
UniVerse, and looking inside It is not to fight one’s Self;
of oneself, one would find But to have self-control. One
proof of God’s existence. must seek awareness of one’s
Kierkegaard argued, in Self and the outer factors which
another quote: “If I were to affects the Self. If one does not
wish for something, I would take control over one’s Self, the
not wish for wealth and power; Self will act in accordance with
But the passion of the the influences of others. If one,
opportunity. (I would wish for) on the other hand, separates
an eye that forever and oneself from outer influences,
everywhere sees the opportunity”. one will gain the power to
(Kierkegaard, 1997: 18) create one’s own destiny.
The “opportunity” is the Not only must one fight the
hidden knowledge of the outer influences by others; But
World, only God can provide also the outer influences of
for His servants. The quote is oneself. Kierkegaard divides
an example of a servant of the Self into the inner sphere
God asking Him to give him and the outer sphere, where the
the opportunity to understand outer one affects the inner. The
and witness the hidden inner is the pure Self, which is
wonders of the World, might in relation to God, and the
even be the nearness of God. outer is the egocentric, and
One must understand himself self-desiring Self.
in order to understand God, Humans must, first and
Kierkegaard said. To understand foremost, act in accordance to
oneself is a trying and hard what is ethically right and stay
matter, he further argued. All away from what is ethically
humans might have a Self; But wrong. One will never reach