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               112  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 93-119, Winter 2021

               the higher levels without being              dets  Reenhed  er  dets
               fully  ethical.  Ethics are  in  the         GJinnemsigtighed      Som
               case,  a  method  to  reach  the             Havet  gjengiver  Himlens
               desired  goal.  Through  ethics,             Høide  I  sin  rene  Dybde,
               one  will  grow  spiritually,  and           saaledes gjengiver Hjertet,
               through one’s spiritual growth               naar  det  er  stille  dybt
               one  will  understand  true  love.           gJinnemsigtigt, det Godes
               (Sabir, 2007: 113)                           himmelske  Ophøiethed  I
                  Love  is  the  most  important            sin rene Dybde”. (Walker,
               part of having faith and being               1985: 121)
               truly  ethical.  Only  through
               love for others, one will reach          Translated as:
               the highest level of love (faith)            “The  purity of the  heart
               of  God.  Without  love,  even               is    related    to    the
               love  for  one’s  own  self-                 comparison  between  the
               discovery and self-recognition,              Heart  and  the  Ocean;
               one  will  never  fully  have  a             And why do we compare
               pure  heart,  which  is  essential           the  two?  Because  the
               to  the  nearness  of  God  by               depth of the Ocean is its
               one’s Self.                                  purity,  and  its  purity  is
                  Purity  of  one’s  heart  is  the         its transparency. Like the
               highest level of self-recognition,           Ocean      reflects    the
               and with an impure  heart,  one              elevation of the Heaven,
               will    merely      gain     self-           the  Heart  reflects  the
               deception. (Sabir, 2007: 113)                sublimity of the heavenly
                  Kierkegaard stated:                       Good, in its pure depth”.
                      “Hjertets  Reenhed,  dette        With this quote, Kierkegaard
                      er et billedligt Udtryk, som   concluded  that  the  purity  of
                      sammenligner Hjertet med       the  heart  is  equal  to  the
                      Havet, og hvorfor vel just     example of the sea. The colour
                      med  det?  Fordi  Havets       of the sea reflects the depth of
                      Dybde er dets Reenhed, og
                                                     the  sky,  and  the  purity  of  the
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