Page 136 - Pure Life 25
P. 136
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 135
Ghadbian (2006) States that lack source from which they
the basis of this distinction has can derive the laws of
to do with: how management. Considering the
comprehensively Islam is success of Islamic management
incorporated into the affairs of system in Pakistan, concern
the state. has been raised on ‘increased’
This study attempts to first criticism of the Islamic system
discuss the importance and in Pakistan. Hence the need of
necessity of Islamic law and Islamic management system in
management in Pakistan political Pakistan necessitating further
structure as well as mission in research.
establishment of an Islamic God has created this earth
government. Then the features and have always sent its
of stake holders will be representative. It was either in
derived from the Verses of the form of Prophets and
Quran, Nahj ul Balagah, Imam Imam. When Prophet Mohammad
Ali letter to Malik Ashtar and went away from this world, he
from other literally sources. appointed his successor on the
Good management is a core command of GOD.
component in making an “Your (real) friends are
Islamic society. Pakistan was (no less than) Allah, His
made on the name of Islam by Messenger, and the
the Mohammad Ali Jinnah. (fellowship of) believers,-
Though he did not survived, those who establish
rope came into the hand of regular prayers and
politicians and army generals regular charity, and
who could not establish Islamic they bow down humbly
management system. (in worship)”. (Quran,
There is a growing concern 5: 55)
in Pakistan over the Islamic
management system, though it It is accepted by Sunni and
has gained popularity but still Shia scholars that this Verse