Page 140 - Pure Life 25
P. 140
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 139
Islamic values and managerial Muslim leaders to get
practices in the society. complete consultation before
According to Islamic values taking important decisions
and managerial practices, regarding business growth.
every manager or government (Fiorina, 2001)
leader is responsible to lead When we look at the
their followers by offering implementation of these
prayers, caring for their Islamic values and management
interests and creating justice, practices on the political
equality and respect for others system of Pakistan, we found
in social as well as in that most of the military and
economics and political democratic governments tried
system of the society. to implement these practices in
The research work conducted Pakistan but could not succeed
the Abbasi, Rehman and Abbasi in implementing true Islamic
(2010) examined the principles of values based on moral and
welfare and justice that could be ethical grounds.
implemented in Islamic Pakistani people and
businesses based on Shura, Ikhlas minorities suffered a lot due to
and welfare of the overall society. so-called Islamic and Sharia
Islam provides excellent laws imposed by General Zia
support to the businesses and and other political leaders over
political leaders to succeed by the past 50 years in the
adopting effective managerial political history of Pakistan.
practices as suggested by Due to Sharia laws, minorities
Quran and Prophet like Christians, Hindus and
Mohammad based on the Sikhs suffered a lot because
concepts of justice, welfare Islamic laws imposed by
and brotherhood in the society. General Zia and his followers
Islam prohibits unethical created difficulties for them to
and immoral business and live and work in an
political practices and suggests