Page 16 - Pure Life 25
P. 16

Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 15

               Introduction                          revealed  for  the  guidance  and
               All  divine  laws  are  issued        happiness of human beings.
               from  the  same  source,  and            The Holy Quran says in this
               religion  is  a  truth  beyond        regard:
               historical  events  and  changes.            “The same religion has
               Religion  is  a  single  truth  that         He  established  for  you
               has appeared in various forms                as    that   which     He
               in  various  laws  throughout                enjoined  on  Noah  -the
               history.  The  prophets  are  also           which  We  have  sent  by
               messengers  from  God  to  tell              inspiration to thee- and
               the  essence  of  the  religion  to          that which We enjoined
               the people.                                  on  Abraham,  Moses,
                  On  the  other  hand,  no                 and Jesus: Namely, that
               prophet  has  historically  been             ye     should      remain
               in  a  position  to  criticize  or           steadfast  in  religion,
               deny  the  prophet  before  him;             and  make  no  divisions
               Rather,    all    the   prophets             therein:  to  those  who
               confirmed  the  prophets  before             worship  other  things
               them        and       considered             than  Allah,  hard  is  the
               themselves the continuation of               (way)  to  which  thou
               the    same     revelation   and             callest    them.    Allah
               prophecy of the previous ones,               chooses     to    Himself
               except  that  the  next  law                 those whom He pleases,
               complemented  the  previous                  and  guides  to  Himself
               law  and  while  it  confirmed               those  who  turn  (to
               some  of  the  rulings  of  the              Him)”. (Quran, 42: 13)
               previous  prophet,  at  the  same
               time It has also changed some            This Verse is used that the main
               of its provisions; Therefore, all     text of the divine religions that was
               religions  announce  a  single        revealed to the prophets is a truth
               truth  and  all  have  been           and no individual taste of them has
                                                     interfered in the communication of
                                                     revelation and mission
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