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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 17

               etc,  as  the  means  of  mention            inspirations. (Mostafavi,
               and  considers  the  main  and               1955, Vol. 14: 56)
               exact meaning.
                  Tabarsi  also  believes  that         In    defining     revelation,
               revelation  is  the  induction  of    Allameh       Tabatabai      has
               meaning secretly and also means       included      the      following
               inspiration  and  mention;  of        elements and characteristics :
               course, it is comprehensive of all        -  Secret speech with mention
               the    meanings      of     secret           and  like  that.  (Tabatabai,
               understanding,  and  if  revelation          1997, Vol. 2: 312)
               and  revelation  mean  secret             -  Understanding         with
               understanding and hidden word,               indication. (Ibid, Vol. 12: 206)
               it  will  be  comprehensive  of  all      -  Accelerated mention
               meanings. (Ghorashi, 2007, Vol.           -  Inducing  and  throwing
               7: 189)                                      meaning  in  a  way  that
                  Some researchers have also said           is hidden from the non-
                      The principle of unity in             audience. (Ibid: 292)
                      matter:     means      the        Therefore,     the     lexical
                      induction  of  one  thing      definition  of  revelation  from
                      within  another,  whether      the  point  of  view  of  Allameh
                      this     induction       is    Tabatabai     is   as   follows:
                      formative or by entering       Revelation  is  a  secret  and
                      the  heart  or  the  subject   hasty speech that is understood
                      is  due  to  science,  faith,   to the audience; In such a way
                      light,  questioning  or        that it is hidden from others .
                      other  things;  Therefore,        The  conclusion  to  be  drawn
                      man  can  benefit  from        from      the     writings     of
                      knowledge             and      lexicographers  is  that  “mention”
                      certainty,        whether      is a sign of revelation and “speed”
                      through      angels     or     is one of its salient features. In the
                      without  intermediaries        Holy  Quran,  revelation  is  also
                      and       with      occult
                                                     used to mean reference
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