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               18  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 13-47, Winter 2021

                  Ibn Faris has referred to this        In  other  words,  revelation,
               concept as follows:                   with all its features in the field
                      Revelation          means      of  lexicography,  has  a  special
                      secretly      transferring     audience  that  is  referred  to  as
                      information  to  another.      divine prophets in theology .
                      Revelation          means         Ragheb  writes:  Revelation
                      pointing,         writing,     is  the  word  of  God  that  is
                      mission  and  message,         instilled  and  thrown  on  the
                      and       in      general,     prophets  and  his  friends.
                      whatever  you  instill  in     (Ragheb Esfahani, 1992: 858)
                      someone      else,    then        All  the  prophets  throughout
                      everything     that    has     history  have  claimed  to  have  a
                      been       said     about      direct connection with God, that
                      revelation  goes  back  to     they  have  received  truths  that
                      that    meaning.      (Ibn     other  human  beings  have  been
                      Faris, 1979, Vol. 6: 93)       unable  to  comprehend.  This
                                                     special      and      mysterious
                  In  the  literal  sense  of        connection is called revelation
               revelation, the revealer can be          Allameh Tabatabai writes in
               God,  angel,  man,  Jinn  and         the  definition  of  revelation:
               devil;  Just  as  the  recipient  of   Revelation    is    a    special
               revelation can be: man, angel,        consciousness                and
               Jinn, plants and animals .            understanding in the interior of
                  On  the  other  hand,  the         the         prophets,         the
               terminological  definition  of        understanding  of  which  is  not
               revelation     is   not    much       possible  except  for  those
               different  from  its  lexical         individuals  who  are  under  the
               definition;  Because  in  both        divine  care.  Revelation  is  a
               areas  there  is  talk  of  a         wonderful  thing,  such  as
               connection  with  the  afterlife,     esoteric      perceptions,      a
               the  special  nature  of  this        mysterious  consciousness  that
               connection and its secrecy.           is hidden from the senses .
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