Page 44 - Pure Life 25
P. 44

Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 43

                      direct  revelation  and               human  form  and  the
                      revelation  by  angels.               clearest  manifestation
                      This     divine     angel             of    the   essence     of
                      sometimes  entered  in                divinity. The purpose of
                      the  prophets  dreams                 this  manifestation  is  to
                      and sometimes in sleep .              reconcile man with God
                   -  The       content       of            and  to  establish  a
                      revelation  in  the  Old              relationship  with  him;
                      Testament was monotheism,             because it was God who
                      the expression of future              took  the  first  step  and
                      events,          worship,             his      attitude     was
                      explanation  of  moral                completely loving.
                      issues  and  rituals  and          -  From  the  point  of  view
                      laws of human life.                   of  the  Holy  Quran,
                   -  Revelation  in  the  New              revelation is a symbolic
                      Testament       has      a            connection       between
                      hierarchy,     which     is           God  and  the  chosen
                      linguistic     revelation,            human  beings  who  are
                      which  is  the  Bible  as  a          called prophets. On the
                      set      of     teachings             other hand, the Prophet
                      revealed      by     God,             receives     the    divine
                      announced       by     the            message  with  his  soul
                      prophets,     and     non-            and  heart,  and  not
                      linguistic  revelation  in            through  the  knowledge
                      the  sense  that  the                 obtained      and      the
                      subject  of  revelation  is           external  senses.  The
                      the presence of God and               various  forms  of  this
                      Christ is the face of the             connection  are  direct
                      invisible God .                       revelation,    revelation
                   -  In  the  New  Testament,              through  the  angel,  and
                      Christ        is       the            hearing  a  voice  beyond
                      manifestation of God in               the veil.
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