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               38  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 13-47, Winter 2021
                  Also, in addition to the fact      is  available  only  to  a  certain
               that the meanings of the Quran        group  of  people;  Those  who
               are  from  God,  its  words  are      are  powerful  and  receptive
               also from Him and the meaning         systems  that  have  the  power
               of the heart is a truth from man      and competence to understand
               to    which    perception     and     and receive messages from the
               consciousness  are  attributed        unseen world. (Saeedi Roshan,
               and  that  the  Prophet  of  God      2009: 19)
               when  He  was  revealed,  both
               seeing  and  hearing,  without        Distinguishing         between
               using  his  two  senses  of  sight    Revelation and Inspiration
               and hearing. (Tabatabai, 1997,        The difference between divine
               Vol. 15: 317)                         revelation  to  the  prophets  and
                  On the other hand, the term        inspiration to the common man
               meaning  of  revelation  in           is  that  the  source  is  hidden
               theology  is  the  understanding      from  the  person  who  is
               of  a  series  of  facts  and         inspired;  That  is,  he  does  not
               teachings      or     intellectual    know from what source he was
               insights     and      behavioral      inspired,  while  the  source  of
               instructions  appropriate  to  the    revelation  is  known  to  the
               age given by God to the chosen        prophets,  and  they  know  with
               people or the prophets, by other      full  knowledge  that  they  are
               means than general methods of         revealed  by  God,  and  every
               knowledge, such as experience         prophet,  when  he  receives  the
               and  Mystical  intellect  and         divine  message,  knows  with
               intuition     are     used     to     certainty  who  the  sender  is.
               communicate and guide people.         (Iskandarloo, 2000: 21)
               (Saeedi Roshan, 2009: 19)                The result of this discussion
                  Thus,  prophetic  revelation       is  that  revelation  in  Islam  is
               is  a  phenomenon  beyond  the        the Holy Quran along with the
               horizon  of  nature  and  is  a       Prophetic    tradition,    which
               special kind of knowledge that        means  the  words,  deeds  and
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