Page 40 - Pure Life 25
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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 39

               narrations of the Holy Prophet        going  on  since  ancient  times
               whose  authenticity  is  no           and  a  manifestation  of  it  has
               different from the Holy Quran;        been revealed in every period.
               Of  course,  in  the  Imami  and      (See: Baqarah, 124-132; Book
               Shia schools, in addition to the      of Genesis, Chapter 15)
               Sunnah  of  the  Prophet,  the
               Sunnah      of   the    Fourteen          2.  Types  of  Prophetic
               Infallibles also has credit after            Revelation
               the Prophet .                         According  to  the  Holy  Quran
                                                     and  the  Old  Testament,  the
               A  Comparative  Study  of             levels of revelation are shared
               Revelation  in  the  Quran            in  God's  direct  conversation
               and the Testaments                    with  the  prophets  and  indirect
                   1.  Historical Background         conversation  by  the  angels.
                      of Revelation                  The  Holy  Quran  adds  another
               As  mentioned,  both  the  Holy       level  of  direct  revelation,
               Quran  and  the  Bible  speak  of     which is that God speaks from
               the key word revelation and its       behind  the  curtain.  (Ref:
               meaning,  and  in  both  they         Quran, 26: 51)
               refer to legislative revelation.         In  this  case,  God  spoke  to
                  The  Holy  Quran  and  the         the    Prophet    without     the
               Bible     state:    When      the     mediation of an angel, such as
               revelation  was  revealed  to         God's     conversation      with
               Abraham,       he     laid    the     Moses  in  Jabal  Mousa  as  the
               foundation  of  divinity  among       voice  of  God  was  heard  from
               his  people,  and  the  prophets      the tree. (Ref: Quran, 28: 30)
               after him declared their duty to         The  Old  Testament  also
               convey  divine  revelation  and       says  in  this  regard  that  God
               call for monotheism.                  spoke to Moses from the bush.
                  From  the  point  of  view  of     (Book of Exodus, 3: 4)
               both  books,  revelation  was  a         He    also    believes    that
               phenomenon  that  has  been           revelation  is  conveyed  by
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