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               124  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 121-144, Spring 2021
                  I said: What is the point of              believe  that  all  his
               wisdom in his occultation? He                actions  are  wisdom,
               said:                                        even  if  its  face  is  not
                      “The face of wisdom in                revealed to us”. (Majlisi,
                      the  absence  of  those               2006, Vol. 52: 91)
                      who     preceded     them
                      from  the  arguments  of          And  in  a  narration  on  the
                      God Almighty mentioning        authority  of  Zurara  on  the
                      him,  that  the  face  of      authority  of  Imam  Baqir,  that

                      wisdom in that does not        he said:
                      reveal  until  after  his             “The  Qa’im  had  a
                      appearance,  just  as  the            occultation  before  his
                      face of wisdom does not               appearance”.
                      reveal  what  Al-Khidr,           I said, Why? He said: “He is
                      came  to  him  from            afraid”  and  he  gestured  with

                      breaching      the   ship,     his  hand  to  his  stomach.
                      killing  the  boy,  and        Zurara  said:  It  means  killing.
                      erecting  the  wall  for       (Saduq,  2011,  Part.  2  and  9-
                      Moses,  except  at  the        10: 480-481)
                      time of their separation.
                      Al-Fadl, that this matter         And in another narration on
                      is from the command of         the authority of Zurara, on the

                      God, and a secret from         authority  of  Imam  Sadiq,  that
                      the  secret  of  God,  and     he said:
                      hidden  from  the  unseen             “The one who rises will
                      of  God,  and  when  we               have an absence before
                      know  that  he  is  the               his resurrection”.
                      Almighty  and  Wise,  we
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