Page 126 - Pure Life 26
P. 126

The Philosophy of the Great Occultation … A. Hamade and K. Albunasir / (125

                  I said why?                               Almighty      and     His
                      “He  said  he  fears  for             actions  are  all  wisdom,
                      himself from slaughter”.              even  if  its  face  is  not
                      (Saduq,  2011,  Part.  2              revealed to us.
                      and 9-10: 480-481)                 -  Occultation is not specific
                                                            to  Imam  Mahdi  alone;
                  And  on  the  authority  of               but  other  occultation
               Imam Sadiq, that he said:                    happened  with  some  of
                      “The Qa’im will be sent               the previous prophets.
                      with  no  pledge  of               -  Fear for the imam when
                      allegiance to anyone on               he  appears  from  the
                      his neck”. (Saduq, 2011,              slaughter, and the killing

                      Part. 2 and 9-10: 480-481)
                                                            of  the  large  number  of
                  We  can  deduce  from  these              enemies.
               narrations  several  reasons  and         -  One  of  the  reasons  for
               reasons  for  the  absence  of               this  occultation  is  that
               Imam Mahdi, namely:                          the  imam  becomes  a

                   -  The     occultation     of            liberator  who  does  not
                      Imam  Mahdi  is  one  of              carry a pledge of allegiance
                      the  divine  secrets  and             to    an    unjust    and
                      one     of   the    divine            oppressive ruler.
                      unseen,  so  we  have  to          -  Among the reasons that
                      believe in it and believe             are  considered  important

                      in it based on our belief             for Imam Mahdi for his
                      in  God  Almighty  and                great  occultation,  is  to
                      His  wisdom  without                  give  the  opportunity
                      asking  about  it  because            and  time  to  reach  the
                      it  is  an  act  of  God              truth  to  all  people,  so
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