Page 128 - Pure Life 26
P. 128

The Philosophy of the Great Occultation … A. Hamade and K. Albunasir / (127

                      knowledge  People  are                such as captivity, imprisonment,
                      tested in faith, submission           killing, displacement and
                      and ratification.                     exile,  and  the  nation’s
                   •  One  of  the  important               failure  to  perform  their
                      matters  is  that  God                duty towards them,  and

                      Almighty  rewards  and                the  Imam  Mahdi,  knew
                      disciplines  a  nation  by            about  these  matters,
                      absenting  its  imam  if it           That  it  will  be  more
                      does  not  fulfill  its  duty         severe  and  more  severe
                      towards  the  Messenger               for  him;  Because  he
                      and     the   imam      by            will  come  out  with  the

                      carrying     out    divine            sword, so he has withdrawn
                      commands and prohibitions;            and  disappeared  from
                      but  rather  turns  to                this  nation;  from  Imam
                      disobedience,  transgression          Baqir, that he said:
                      of  limits  and  harming                     “If  God  hates  us
                      the prophets by all means.                   to  be  neighbors
                      To  righteousness  and                       of  a  people,  we
                      righteousness and realize                    will  be  removed

                      the  importance  of  the                     from their backs”.
                      presence of the Prophet            •  People  have  different
                      and the Imam among its                degrees and willingness
                      manifestations,  and  in              to  be  assigned  to  one
                      Islamic  history  what                another,  and  it  was
                      testifies  to  us  that  the          mentioned in the companions

                      Ahl  al-Bayt,  have  been             of  Imam  Mahdi,  that
                      subjected  to  the  most              they are scholars, nobles,
                      severe harm and torment
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