Page 142 - Pure Life 26
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The Philosophy of the Great Occultation … A. Hamade and K. Albunasir / (141

               evidence  and  that  it  is  one  of     That  it  is  one  of  the divine
               the  evidences  of  the  necessity    secrets,  protecting  the  imam
               of  waiting.  (The  al-Abbas's        from  killing  and  slaughtering,
               Holy Shrine, Part. 3: 185-196)        and  that  there  is  no  pledge  of
                                                     allegiance to any person on the
               Conclusion                            imam’s neck.
               It  is  clear  and  certain  that        Among its benefits is that it
               Imam Mahdi is the last of the         aims  to  discipline  the  nation,
               guardians  of  the  Prophet           educate and perfect souls, and
               Mohammad,  and  his  family,          prove  the  inadequacy  of
               and one of the most incumbent         organizations  and  rulers  who

               duties on the nation is observing     claim social justice; but justice,
               its mandate to the last guardians.    security, and social and human
                  What  has  become  clear  to       safety  will  be  obtained  by  the
               us  in  this  research  is  that  the
               great  long-term  occultation         hand  of  the  Promised  Imam,
               began  since  the  death  of  the     another in front of a pure dynasty.
               fourth ambassador of the Imam,           One  of  the  most  important
               and ends with the appearance of the   issues that we must point out is
               Promised  one  in  which  the         that  the  land  is  not  free  of
               light  of  the  Imam  Mahdi  will     disputes.  If  the  imam  was  not
               shine, and mankind is happy to        present  on  the  face  of  the
               meet  him  to  bring  it  out  of
               darkness  into  the  light  and       earth,  the  land  would  be
               save  it  from  injustice  and        polluted  by  its  people.  To
               oppression  and  justice  and         prepare  the  ground  and  build
               safety  prevail  among  people;       the    foundations     for    his
               and  it  became  clear  to  us  that   government, educating ourselves
               from the rule of major occultation:    fully  to  support  him  when  he

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