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               142  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 121-144, Spring 2021

                  The thing that we can ask in       List of References
               this  context  is  to  make  our
               research  focus  on  the  issue  of       1.  The Holy Quran.
               hastening the Imam’s reappearance         2.  Barqi,  Abu  Ja'far  Ahmad
                                                            ibn  Mohammad  (1992).
               so that we reduce the length of              Al-Mahasin. Tehran: Dar
               the Imam’s occultation, hasten               al-Kutub al-Islamiyya.
               the achievement of the goals of           3.  Ibn  Shu'ba  Harrani,  Abu
               the  occultation,  and  approach             Mohammad Hasan ibn Ali
               the brightness of the Imam’s sun.            (1973).  Tuhaf  al-Uqul

                                                            An  Al-Rasool.  Tehran:

                                                            Ketabchi Publications.
                                                         4.  Juwayni  al-Shafi’i,  Sadr
                                                            al-Din Ibrahim ibn Mohammad
                                                            (1978). Fara'id al-Simtayn
                                                            fi fada'il al-Murtada wa
                                                            l-Batul  wa  l-Sibtayn  wa

                                                            l-A'imma min Dhurriyyatihim.

                                                            Beirut: Mu'assassat al-Mahmudi
                                                         5.  Khazzaz  al-Qummi,  Ali
                                                            ibn  Mohammad  (1980).

                                                            Kifayat  al-Athar  fi  al-
                                                            Nusus  ala  al-A'immat

                                                            al-Ithna  Ashar.  Qom:
                                                            Bidar Publications.
                                                         6.  Majlisi,  Mohammad  Baqer
                                                            (2006).  Bihar  al-Anwar.
                                                            Tehran: Islamic Library.
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