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               138  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 121-144, Spring 2021

                  Islamic  narrations  confirm              for  them  the  status  of
               that  the  appearance  of  Imam              witnessing,  and  made
               Mahdi  is  linked  to  the  sweat            them  at  that  time  the
               and  fatigue  of  the  believers,            status  of  fighters  in  the
               and it brings them to the top of             hands of the Prophet of
               what  they  hope  for,  each                 God,  those  who  are
               according to his actions and intentions.     truly  sincere  and  ours
                  So  it  became  clear  that  the          are  truthful,  and  the
               required  legal  waiting  is  a  set         callers to the religion of

               of conditions without which it               God  are  secretly  and
               cannot be fulfilled, such as the             openly”.  (Saduq,  2011,
               most  important  thing  that  the            Part.     1:    319-320;
               believer  bears  in  the  age  of            Tabrisi, 2017: 49-50)
               occultation. The honorable hadiths
               spoke  about  it  and  Imam              In light of the foregoing, we

               Sajjad,  compiled  them,  when        can    mention     points    that
               he  said  in  his  talk  on  the      include  an  explanation  of  the
               subject of the Mahdi:                 practical  method  that  the
                      “The people of the time        believer  must  produce  to  be  a
                      of his occultation, those      true waiter:
                      who claim his Imamate,             -  Consolidating her knowledge
                      those  who  wait  for  his            of the Imam Mahdi, her

                      reappearance  are  the                belief  in  his  Imamate,
                      best of all people of all             the  exercise  of  her
                      time; Because God Almighty            duties  in  his  absence,
                      gave  them  intellects,               knowledge of the nature
                      understanding and knowledge           of his historical role, its
                      what became of occultation            dimensions,  his  duties,
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