Page 62 - Pure Life 26
P. 62

A Critical and Analytical Approach to the Relativity … N. Reggad et al / (61

                      it    contradict     their            Which  is  the  law  of
                      content  or  not,  we  will           nature      that     Kant
                      skip  this  stage  now,  to           defended  against  Dave
                      say  that  this  report  is           Hume's  hand,  and  I
                      good;  but  why  did  you             mean here the law of the
                      limit these tools to what             upper  room,  isn't  the

                      you mentioned?                        color in its nature that it
                   •  Why  not  expand  these               simulates    sight,   and
                      tools  that  every  person            music  mimics  hearing
                      has  to  include  external            and  taste  mimics  the
                      things as well?                       tongue,  and  the  feeling

                      In  the  sense  that  the             of  hunger  and  thirst
                      elements  of  space-time,             mimics  the  soul,  aren't
                      the     conditions      of            these  general  tools  Not
                      history,  and  the  nature            different from space-time
                      of the human mind that                and the terms of history
                      man  uses  to  obtain  this           or the denial of realism?
                      relative knowledge when            •  Yes, we do not say that

                      we  do  not  make  it                 the     percentage      of
                      include  the  external                sweetness in the taste or
                      things       that      are            the  perception  of  the
                      independent of us, these              intensity  of  color  and
                      things that are distinguished         the  intensity  of  the
                      by  a  special  nature,               music  and  the  intensity

                      each  of  which  is  his  A           of hunger and thirst are
                      nature of its own, it has             the  same  for  every
                      an effect on it.                      person;     but     rather
                                                            different  for  the  safety
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