Page 59 - Pure Life 26
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               58  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 31-74, Spring 2021
                  From  this  talk,  I  allow               time  nor  place,  nor
               myself  to  enter  the  positive             understanding.
               aspects of relativism, religious             This  is  a  case  that  tells
               knowledge,       or    cognitive             us     that    lying    is
               relativism in general.                       condemned to unlawful;
                   -  Relative       knowledge              but  when  this  case
                      indicates  E.  Lee  is  an            begins,  it  applies  in
                      important  aspect  Asada              time  and  place  and
                      in     the     distinction            many  factors  begin  to
                      between      fixed     and            surround  it,  such  as

                      variable    element     in            having to lie to save the
                      things,  PHP  is  relative            soul  or  save  things  that
                      based  on  the  principle             have  some  value,  then
                      of  understanding  things             the  rule  of  lying  will
                      through  context  space-              change from prohibition
                      time     it   helps     us            to    permissibility    or
                      understand the nature of              necessity  sometimes  to

                      the impact of spacetime               surround  the  origin  of
                      on  many  things  and  to             the    case    with    the
                      distinguish  it  from  the            different  circumstances
                      same  subject  when  we               of space-time.
                      look at it as a statement             Here  if  we  notice  that
                      and  as  aconcept,  for               the  change  of  rule  did

                      example,  the  text  says             not negate the origin of
                      that lying is forbidden.              the  subject  and  did  not
                      This issue is not subject             oppose it; but rather we
                      to  any  factor,  neither             understood  it  in  the
                                                            context  of  the  original
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