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               92  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 91-106, Spring 2021

               Introduction                          have  the  same  value  in  the
               The  study  and  research  on         shadow of Islam.
               women's  issues  in  different           Also,  Islam  considers  the
               periods of history and religions      reward of the hereafter of man
               has  always  been  subjected  to      only  in  righteous  and  pious
               extremes  and  deviations,  each      deeds.  Islam  considers  both

               of  which  has  caused  its  own      men and women equal in terms
               damage  to  the  status  and          of  thought  and  way  of  life  by
               existential value of women and        will  and  work,  and  a  woman,
               caused  differences  in  insights     like   a    man,     can    work
               and differences between positions,    independently  and  own  the
               and  the  character  has  become      result of her own work.

               male and female. This difference         Also,    Islam    does     not
               in  vision  stems  from  two          consider  women's  clothing  as
               important things.                     an obstacle to her freedom and
                   -  The complete knowledge         presence in society, and just as
                      of man, according to the       it   recommends      hijab    for
                      sayings  of  thinkers  and     women, it also invites men not
                      thinkers  that  man  is  an    to look.
                      unknown being.

                   -  The  knowledge  of  men        Statement of the Problem
                      and  women  does  not          With  the  spread  of  new
                      happen in this area when       Islamic topics and studies and
                      the knowledge of man is        the  provision  of  women's
                      not accurate and deep.         social  activities  in  a  healthy
                                                     environment in our society, the

                  Islam    gave     women      a     permission  of  women  to  be
               personality, so that they could       present in society is a matter of
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