Page 98 - Pure Life 26
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Ethical Principles of Social Activity … Z.S Hosseini et al / (97

                      ordinary  woman  if  you              person  who  describes
                      practice  piety;  therefore,          him will die while being
                      do not speak lustfully so             subject  to  the  wrath  of
                      that  the  sick  will  covet          God”. (Ibid: 184)
                      you,  and  speak  kindly.
                      (Quran, 33: 32)                Principle 4: Avoid Extravagance

                   -  Avoiding  joking  with  a      In  addition  to abstaining  from
                      non-mahram:  “Whoever          non-mahrams, in the narrations,
                      jokes with a non-mahram        fornication  is  also  forbidden,
                      woman, will be imprisoned      and it means expressing desire
                      for a thousand years for       and  enthusiasm  towards  men,
                      every  word  he  says  to      as men express, (Ibid: 33) and

                      her  in  the  world”.          the command to save one's self
                      (Hurr Amili, 1988, Vol.        when desired is given. (Saduq,
                      20: 198)                       1992, Vol. 3: 389)
                   -  Refraining from expressing     Principle  5:  Avoid  Mixing
                      the  characteristics  of  a    with Non-Mahrams
                      woman  to  her  husband        One of the important components
                      or  another  man  that         of  strengthening  modesty  in
                      causes  the  man  to  be       society  is  avoiding  unmarried

                      seduced  towards  that         men  and  women  from  mixing
                      woman.  According  to          with    each     other,    which
                      the  narration: “Whoever       contributes to the physical and
                      expresses  the  attributes     mental health of individuals.
                      of  a  woman  to  a  man          According  to  the  narration:

                      and     that    man      is    One  day,  the  Prophet  pointed
                      deceived by that woman         to  one  of  the  doors  of  the
                      and  commits  a  sin,  the
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