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               96  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 91-106, Spring 2021
                  For this reason, he constantly     is that they see that over time,
               tries  to  position  himself  in  a   their  beauty  decreases  and
               way  that  is  more  to  their        younger  and  more  beautiful
               liking.  Usually,  such  women        women  take  their  place  and
               and  girls  spend  a  lot  of  time   reduce  their  role  in  stealing
               every  day  to  make  up  and         hearts. (Rajabi, 2004: 51)
               imitate  new  fashions  in  order        Thus, excessive showing off
               to be more beautiful.                 in its many instances can upset
                  This process can cause them        the mental balance of a woman
               a lot of psychological distress;      and deprive her of peace. Now,

               because  things  do  not  always      according to these explanations,
               go well, it causes them anxiety.      the  philosophy  of  advising
                  For  example,  the  idea  that     Islam  on  hijab  and  proper
               by spending so much time and          covering of women in front of
               money they have been able to          non-mahrams  becomes  clear;
               attract  the  attention  of  others   because hijab creates peace in
               or  be  liked  or  conversely,        women  and  warns  them  of

               ridiculed  and  humiliated,  can      many worries.
               constantly  occupy  their  minds
               and make them think. Transform        Principle  3:  The  Tone  of
               anxious creatures.                    Speech
                  Another reason that can add        In     this    regard,     some
               to  their  anxiety  is  the  notion   recommendations  have  been

               that a more beautiful opponent        included,  some  of  which  are
               may  come  their  way  at  any        mentioned:
               moment  and  steal  their  prey;          -  Avoid  thin  voice:  “O
               and finally, another reason that             wives  of  the  Prophet!
               makes them upset and stressed                You  are  not  like  an
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