Page 104 - Pure Life 27
P. 104
Conceptual Analysis of Spiritual Life … A.Q Sabbah and H. Bergbauer / (103
So once you become there is no way to hell, but God
suspicious of others, remember says you can control your mind
that Allah doesn’t punish a because whatever your sin was,
believer after his repentance It has passed and if the sin or
and seeking forgiveness, guilt leaves you in regret,
except for his bad faith in God, beware of despair of God’s
for his shortcomings and his mercy, so may this guilt be
bad manners and backbiting your means of getting close and
the believers. your guide to the way and
There are some signs that remember that Allah loves
God does not forgive quickly in those who repent, and
return, and perhaps I mean by whomever He loves, he guides
them mental sins; that is, God and saves.
forgives them with difficulty or I will also talk about God’s
does not forgive them, as it hand in everything and how
came in the novels that God God manages the arrangement
forgives all sins except for a of our events, which embodies
specific sin that forms in the a great moral space. How many
mind, so what is this sin? Is it times have we said, O hidden
adultery, theft, murder? No, of kindness, deliver us from what
course, these are sins that God we fear. (Ford, 2008)
forgives; but the sin that God • How many times have
does not forgive is the sin of we felt divine kindness
distrusting him. intervene and save us in
A person who cannot control the most difficult moments?
his mind and what directly
comes to his mind. God will If the duty requires you to
not forgive his sin and that throw what you have into the