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               104  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 91-108, Summer 2021

               sea, do not be skeptical, but have    Connecting Human Life with
               the certainty that you will return    Waiting Faraj for the Promised
               it  with  an  added  value  and  a    This waiting in our relationship
               double blessing, and in order to      with  the  imam  is  one  of  the
               be assured as Moussa’s mother.        most  prominent  features  of  a
                  When  God  created  man  he        spiritual  life.  If  the  person  is
               charted for him the path that he      really  expecting  or  if  he
               would  take  in  returning  to  his   reaches  the  peak  of  perfection
               fold so our fate is to return from    in  his  waiting,  then  he  will

               where we came and we should           reach  his  personal  relief  and
               know  that  this  world  is  mortal   will enjoy the special kindness
               and even if we stay longer, we        of the imam.
               are  nothing  but  guests,  and          So, let’s see how the concept
               finally we have to leave.             of  longing  to  meet  the  imam
                  So,  to  cross  the  barbed        became  one  of  the  things  that
               wires, you must cross the wires       man’s soul was made of? How
               of  yourselves  first.  When  we      can  a  person  waiting  for
               are  prisoners  of  ourselves,  we
               cannot  accomplish  anything          liberation  from  this  world  be
               because      for    every     sin     waiting  for  the  appearance  of
               committed by a person, even if        the  Mahdi?  How  can  the  one
               it is small, it covers the light of   waiting  to  meet  God  long  to
               his instinct with his destiny,  it    meet the Imam of his time?
               darkens the mirror of his heart,         The  issue  is  that  when  we
               obscures     his    vision    and
               knowledge      of    God      and     went  down  to  the  world,  our
               distances him far away.               groans rose, saying:
                                                            This  is  not  my  place,
                                                            why  should  I  be  in  this
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