Page 102 - Pure Life 27
P. 102
Conceptual Analysis of Spiritual Life … A.Q Sabbah and H. Bergbauer / (101
While they surrounded him he also does not want anyone
as Shimr was ready to kill him, but Him that such this person
one of the soldiers saw the has reached a stage where even
Imam’s lips moving, so his in his sleep he is in a state of
curiosity pushed him to worship and remembrance
approach him and hear what he where every page is in his
was saying, approaching until existence is a mirror of the
he heard his last words. manifestations of the Almighty
The Imam was conversing God, and the divine attributes
with his Lord in the last have been manifested in his
moments of his life and saying: existence as well, and we do
“By satisfaction for your not forget Zaynab, who did not
decree, by patience on leave the night prayer even on
your affliction, surrender the eleventh night, and as long
to your command, there the length of the captivity
is no God for me except stage, she didn’t weaken her
you, whom you support detachment to God and her
those in need”. orientation to Him, but rather
(Muqarram, 2005) this woman became an ideal.
From these people, specifically
In the last moments of his Muhammad and the family of
life, his blessed tongue uttered Muhammad, we must learn to
this soliloquy. If this indicates love and submit to God.
anything, then it indicates that In a hadith Qudsi:
the entire existence of this “All creation is God’s
human being has been filled families, and the most
with the love of God and he no beloved to him are those
longer sees anything but God,
who are most beneficial