Page 126 - Pure Life 27
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Distortion Category … M.Sh Badra and M. Shiri / (125

                      all-wise, all-laudable”.          In  addition  to  encouraging
                      (Saduq, 1357: 224)             Muslims  to  write  the  Holy
                                                     Quran,    the    Prophet     also
                  The question seems to be a         encouraged  them  to  memorize
               doubt  that  has  been  raised  in    the  Quran,  and  the  issuance  of
               terms of increase and decrease        dozens  of  narrations  and  the
               in  the  Holy  Quran;  therefore,     existence    of   hundreds     of
               the answer of the Imam denies         memorizers of the Quran during

               any change or distortion in the       his  lifetime  and  even  after  his
               word      of    God.     (Taheri      death proves this claim.
               Khorramabadi, 2008: 135)                 It is also necessary to state that

                   3.  Reasons for Historical        the interpretation and explanation
               The  concern  of  the  Holy           of the verses has been one of the
               Prophet to preserve and record        other  efforts  of  the  Prophet  in
               the  Holy  Quran  is  a  historical   preserving  and  protecting  the
               fact; because when he received        Holy Quran.

               the revelation, he repeated the          On  the  other  hand,  in
               verses out of eagerness to learn      addition  to  the  efforts  of  the
               them,  and  immediately  after        Holy  Prophet  of  Islam  to
               receiving  the  revelation,  he       memorize and record the Holy
               called  the  scribes  of  the         Quran,  the  deep  efforts  of

               revelation  and  the  revealed        Imam  Ali  in  learning  the
               verses  were  written  by  them,      interpretation of the revelation of
               and  more  than  thirty  of  these    the verses and the efforts of the
               scribes have been mentioned in        Companions  to  preserve  and
               historical documents.                 sanctify  this  divine  book,  is
                                                     remarkable.     (Javadi   Amoli,
                                                     2019: 119-120)
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