Page 130 - Pure Life 27
P. 130
Distortion Category … M.Sh Badra and M. Shiri / (129
miracle of the Quran, for 1. Distortion in the Old
which it has been challenged, Testament
is correct as long as it The Old Testament is a
preserves its totality and collection of 39 books, which
integrity. (Ma'refat, 2002: 116) are thematically divided into the
The result is that, given the following three sections:
current eloquence and rhetoric • Historical section:
and the novel order of the Contains 17 books, the
Holy Quran, the possibility of first five of which are
any distortion is ruled out; called the Torah or
because in this case, it loses Pentateuch.
its rhetorical and verbal • Wisdom, Prayers and
miracle, which has always Poetry Section: Contains 5
been considered by Muslim books.
scholars. (Ma'refat, 2002: 450-453) • The section of the prophecies
of the prophets: includes 17
Distortion in the Testaments books. (Tawfiqi, 2019: 50)
Before examining, in order to
be better acquainted with the The history of writing these
Old and New Testaments, it is works dates back to the tenth
necessary to refer to an century to the end of the
analytical explanation of the second century BC, which was
Testaments; because what is almost five centuries after the
available are books that were death of Prophet Moses.
written in later times and (Ma'refat, 2007: 382)
some of the teachings of the Accordingly, the Old
prophets are included in its Testament collection has been
contents. (Ibid: 351) written over nine centuries