Page 56 - Pure Life 27
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Humiliation and Analysis of its … K. Mustafa et al / (55

               Introduction                          connected     with    the    soul

               Dhull or Humiliation in lexical       situations. So, in both practices
               meaning     indicates    to   the     whether is action or worshiping,
               submission, submissiveness and        the  traveler  must  be  present
               leniency.  Humiliation  is  the       with humiliation and submission
               opposite  of  pride  and  honor.      between  His  God’s  hands
               (Ibn Faris, 1984, Vol. 2: 344)        (Qunawi,  2002,  238)  to  reach

                  Dhull  technically  is  the        Him  and  witnesses  the  Truth
               station of being in want to God,      manifestation.
               helplessness  and  asking  God           In  this  regard,  Humiliation
               for  forgiveness.  (Ibn  Arabi,       can’t  be  taken  literally  that
               2001, Vol. 1: 104)                    humiliated man is the poor and
                  humiliation  is  originally  a     weak one. On the contrary, the
               Quranic word and it is not only       more      the     wayfarer     is
               Quranicly  significant  but  also     humiliated  to  his  Lord,  the

               mystically.  Mystics  point  out      more  he  gets  the  honor  from
               that  human  being  is  such  a       his Lord.
               combination of body and soul,            The  importance  of  this
               and  the  holy  traveler  needs       research  is  that  it  shows  the
               practices     for    the    both.     real  nature  of  humiliation  and
               Accordingly,  he  must  act  and      how it is important to reach the

               worship.  He  acts  for  his  body    Almighty  God  Quranicly  and
               and  worships  for  his  soul.        Mystically.
               Actions are all about body and           Regarding this research, it is
               will  affect  the  soul  because  of   true  that  humiliation  has  been
               the  relationship  between  body      discussed in several works, but
               and  soul  while  worshiping  is      so  far  no  independent  article
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