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               56  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 53-74, Summer 2021

               has  dealt  with  the  subject  of    act  of  devotion  and  divine
               humiliation and its relationship      service is the verse number 43
               with  spiritual  journey  and         of Al-Imran which shows what
               wayfaring, but we can see this        angles told the lady Mary about
               subject as  separate paragraphs       being  humble  to  her  God
               in several mystical works such        through worshiping. It is worth
               as:         “Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya” for   noting  that  prostrating  in  this
               Ibn Arabi, “Mashrab  al-Arwah”        verse precedes bowing down to

               for Ruzbihan Baqli.                   indicate the significance of the
                                                     complete     humiliation     and
               Theoretical Foundations of            submission  towards  Allah  and
               Research                              surrendering to Him.

               Dhull or Humiliation in lexical          The Lord says in the Holy Quran:
               meaning     indicates    to   the            “Mary,  pray  devotedly
               submission,      submissiveness              to  your  Lord,  prostrate
               and  leniency.    Humiliation  is            yourself before Him and
               the opposite of pride and honor.             bow  down  with  those
               (Ibn Faris, 1984, Vol. 2: 344)               who  bow  down  before
                  Dhull  as  a  quranic  term  is           Him”. (Al-Imran: 43)
               the  origin  of  worshiping,

               submission and humiliation and           The  holy  Quran  mentions
               worshiping  is  obedience  and        the  dhull  in  different  verses.
               the  far  most  magnification  for    Dhull means what was because
               the  Almighty  God.  (Qurashi,        of  conquering.  For  example,
               1992, Vol. 4: 278)                    “Lower  to  them  the  wing  of

                  One  of  the  most  important      humility”  (Al-Isra:  24)  means
               verses that illuminates that  the     be  humble,  submissive  and
               dhull is the  station of humiliation,   lenient to them; or dhull in the
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