Page 60 - Pure Life 27
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Humiliation and Analysis of its … / (59

               must  be  followed  by  man  in              obey  us,  we  will  rescue
               treating  their  parents  that  he           them  from  the  Hellfire
               must  be  humble  and  merciful              and  join  them  with  the
               towards them.                                free and righteous people”.
                  This  humiliation  that  raises           (Majlesi, 1983, Vol. 36: 11
               the  dignity  of  man  which
               results  from  the  humility  and        Thus,  dhull  in  this  regard
               heart's breaking for God’s sake.      means  obeying  and  being
               Mercy  and  leniency  towards         humble  to  them,  because
               them  in  particular  and  the        following them with the submission
               humankind in general, originates      to   God’s     commands      and

               from the  Divine Love.                surrounding  to  Him,  ends  up
                  It must be mentioned, that the     with  a  real  freedom  from
               birth  or  biological  parents  are   corporal     attachments     and
               not the only object of parents in     worldly  ties.
               this  verse.  There  is  another         In  other  Quranic  verse,  we
               referent of this concept which is     can  see  that  dhull’s  meaning
               inward and esoteric one.              manifested in the same content
                  According  to  the  prophetic      and significance. The Almighty

               traditions and Ahlulbait sayings,     God says:
               Ahlulbayt  are  superior  to                 “Certainly  Allah  helped
               parents.  The  Messenger  of                 you  at  Badr,  when  you
               Allah said:                                  were  weak  [in  the
                      “Me  and  Ali  are  the               enemy’s  eyes].  So  be
                      fathers  of  this  nation.            wary  of  Allah  so  that

                      We are more rightful to               you  may  give  thanks”.
                      get  their  thanks  than              (Al- Imran: 123)
                      their  parents.  If  they
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