Page 86 - Pure Life 27
P. 86

Commitment to the Covenant … R. Babanejad et al / (85

               Otherworldly Effects of Keeping              [saying]  and  “Peace
               the Covenant in Giving Meaning               [i.e.,  security]  be  upon
               to Life                                      you    for    what    you

               In the Holy Quran, some of the               patiently  endured  and
               otherworldly  effects  of  fulfilling        excellent  is  the  final
               the  covenant  and  not  fulfilling          home;  but  those  who
               the  covenant  are  mentioned.               break  the  covenant  of
               Some of these effects are:                   Allah after contracting it
                   1.  Praised by the Angels                and  sever  that  which

                      “Those  who  fulfill  the             Allah has ordered to be
                      covenant  of  Allah  and              joined     and     spread
                      do     not    break    the            corruption  on  earth-for
                      contract  and  those  who             them  is  the  curse  and
                      join  that  which  Allah              they will have the worst
                      has  ordered  to  be                  home”. (Quran, 13: 20-24)

                      joined1  and  fear  their          2.  Divine Reward
                      Lord  and  are  afraid  of            “And  do  not  exchange
                      the    evil   of   [their]            the covenant of Allah for
                      account…  Gardens  of                 a  small  price.  Indeed,
                      perpetual residence; they             what  is  with  Allah  is
                      will  enter  them  with               best for you, if only you

                      whoever  were  righteous              could  know”.  (Quran,
                      among their forefathers,              16: 95)
                      their  spouses  and  their         3.  Closeness to the Prophet
                      descendants.  And  the         One  of  the  effects  of  adhering
                      angels  will  enter  upon      to obligations and covenants is
                      them  from  every  gate,       closeness to the Prophet.
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