Page 83 - Pure Life 27
P. 83
82 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 75-89, Summer 2021
a person's life and gives him is no call on us (to keep
hope to continue it. faith) with these ignorant
(Pagans); but they tell a
The Worldly Effects of Keeping lie against Allah and
the Covenant in Giving Meaning (well) they know it” *
to Life “Yea, whoever fulfills
The effects of keeping the his promise and guards
covenant can be raised from (against evil) then surely
worldly and otherworldly Allah loves those who
aspects. The worldly effects of guard (against evil)”.
keeping the covenant in human (Quran, 3: 75-76)
life also appear in both
individual and social dimensions. In this noble verse, one of the
Faithfulness to the covenant examples of fulfilling the
has many effects on personal covenant is mentioned. A
life, some of which are: person who keeps his covenant
1. Trusteeship is trustworthy and trusted by
“Among the People of the people and God loves him.
the Book are some who, 2. Honesty and Truthfulness
if entrusted with a hoard “It is not righteousness
of gold, will (readily) that you turn your faces
pay it back; others, who, towards the East and the
if entrusted with a single West; but righteousness
silver coin, will not is this that one should
repay it unless thou believe in Allah and the
constantly stoodest demanding, last day and the angels
because, they say, there and the book and the