Page 81 - Pure Life 27
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               80  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 75-89, Summer 2021

                      and  do  not  change  the             and more effective in the
                      interpretation  of  vague             decline  of  prosperity
                      words after the conclusion            and cutting short of life
                      and confirmation (of the              than  the  shedding  of
                      agreement).                           blood without justification.
                      If an agreement of Allah              On      the    Day      of
                      involves you in hardship              Judgement  Allah  the
                      do not seek its repudiation           Glorified, would commence

                      without justification, because        giving  His  judgement
                      the bearing of hardships              among  the  people  with
                      through     which      you            the  cases  of  bloodshed
                      expect  relief  and  a                committed by them.
                      handsome       result    is           Therefore, do not strengthen
                      better  than  a  violation            your     authority      by

                      whose  consequence  you               shedding prohibited blood
                      fear  and  that  you  fear            because this will weaken
                      that  you  will  be  called           and lower the authority,
                      upon     by    Allah    to            moreover destroy it and
                      account  for  it  and  you            shift it. You cannot offer
                      will  not  be  able  to  seek         any excuse before Allah
                      forgiveness for it in this            or  before  me  for  wilful

                      world or the next.                    killing  because  there
                      You should avoid shedding             must  be  the  question  or
                      blood without justification,          revenge in it. If you are
                      because nothing is more               involved  in  it  by  error
                      inviting of Divine retribution,       and  you  exceed  in  the
                      greater in (evil) consequence         use  of  your  whip  or
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