Page 94 - Pure Life 27
P. 94

Conceptual Analysis of Spiritual Life … A.Q Sabbah and H. Bergbauer / (93

               the top of the pyramid, which,           For     example,      spiritual
               according to Maslow, represents       connection  outweighs  blood
               self-integration                      kinship,  that’s  because  souls
                  That  we  as  humans  can’t        are  immortal  whereas  bodies

               reach since it is as an absolute      perish,  the  best  evidence  on
               perfection  confined  to  the         that  is  the  charter  of  love  and
               Creator,    the   Exalted     and     partnership, which is concluded
               Highest,  who  is  very  far  from    in  a  legal  and  ethical  contract
               the inhabitants of the earth. It is   between the spouses.
               the  realization  of  the  soul          The  formation  of  man  and

               outside  the  body,  and  the  soul   his existence was not the result
               does not reach it except after its    of  an  accidental  whim  or  a
               integration into its Creator.         fleeting pleasure; but rather it is
                  Therefore, Instead of striving     the  result  of  the  interaction  of
               for perfection all the time, it is    love and the connection of the
               important to focus on improvement     one  soul  with  its  part  “who
               and  strive  for  better,  not  the   created you from one soul and

               best. (Ozdemir, 2003)                 created  from  it  its  mate”.
                  Based  on  the  upward  needs      (Bouhdiba, 2001)
               of the human being, despite the          So  the  relationship  between
               importance  of  the  material         them  is  a  spiritual  one  that
               necessities of living, the person     forces  the  bodies  to  reach  the
               often  needs  more  spiritual         peak of harmony and interdependence,

               reassurance, even if in the first     and  it  is  obvious  that  this
               place  he  cannot  ignore  the        relationship is not governed by
               material  which  is  one  of  his     obligatory laws.
               priorities in life.                      When God created Adam, he
                                                     created Eve for him to fuse in
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