Page 96 - Pure Life 27
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Conceptual Analysis of Spiritual Life … A.Q Sabbah and H. Bergbauer / (95
angels, on the authority of spreading like a contagious
Imam Ali: disease among individuals,
“God, the Mighty and except for those who fortified
Sublime, placed in the themselves with piety.
angels a mind without Knowing the soul according
desire, and placed among to the book “The Miracles of
beasts lust without Psychiatry” by Karl Manger is
reason, and installed an understanding of the forces
both in the children of of goodness and love, and
Adam, so whoever is knowing the elements of evil
overcome by his and hatred in the human soul,
intellect by his lust is and any ignoring or neglecting
better than the angels, the existence of these forces
and whoever is dominated and elements in ourselves and
by his lust is worse than others can expose the
the beasts”. (Hurr Amili, foundations of life to vibration
1983, Vol. 15: 209) and imbalance.
Therefore, despite the
This deviation that humanity adornment and bragging in
is witnessing is nothing but an modern life, it did not lead man
expression of psychological to the desired happiness.
diseases that distorted the Science and technology did
common sense that God not happen by planning and
created in everyone. thinking; rather, they happened
Except that Satan’s invasion by sheer chance.
of man and his power over If Galileo, Newton,
some had affected the creation Lavoisier, and other scientists
of a satanic society that keeps
focused on the human body and