Page 98 - Pure Life 27
P. 98

Conceptual Analysis of Spiritual Life … A.Q Sabbah and H. Bergbauer / (97

               Human Life’s Relationship             submission  to  God.  A  person
               with God                              should  live  a  life  full  of  joy,

               Whenever  a  person  knows            and the spirit should be always
               himself,  he  knows  his  Lord,       cheerful and lively. (Sylvan, 2002)
               and  knowledge  of  the  lord            If  a  person’s  life  becomes
               represents the goal of creation;      sweet, he becomes dear even to
               rather,  life  is  a  path  to  cross   God  Almighty.  Perhaps  the
               towards  God.  The  Quran  has        most     wonderful     type    of

               presented this in various forms:      worship  that  leads  a  person  to
                      “Who created death and         true happiness is worship with
                      life that He may try you,      gratitude,  but  it  is  only  for
                      which  of  you  is  best  in   happy people.
                      deeds;  and  He  is  the          Imam  Ali  used  to  perform
                      Mighty,  the  Forgiving”.      all acts of worship in love, and
                      (Quran, 67: 2)                 his worship was not to remove
                                                     the  obligation,  but  rather  he
                  Or by saying:                      was a true lover.
                      “And I have not created           This  is  further  highlighted
                      the  jinn  and  the  men       when  in  one  of  his  battles  an
                      except  that  they  should     arrow  got  stuck  in  his  leg,
                      serve Me”. (Quran, 51: 56)     which  couldn’t  be  uprooted

                  This  worship  is  represented     without  significant  pain,  and
               by  an  unparalleled  spiritual       the only way they were able to
               relationship,  meaning  that  the     remove  it,  was  during  his
               relationship of the servant with      prayer due to his large affection
               his  Lord  is  the  essence  of       during  it,  he  didn’t  feel  an

               spiritual    connection       and     ounce of pain.
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