Page 110 - Pure Life 28
P. 110

Analyzing the Women’s Role… M.M Safouraei Parizi / (109

               part  is  dedicated  to  the          mentioned  in  80  verses  of  the
               accumulation  of  wealth  and         Qur’an, such as the following:
               savings,  and  the  other  part  is          “Do not give the feeble-

               used to gain pleasure. The part              minded  your  property
               of  income  which  is  spent  on             which Allah has assigned
               gaining  pleasure  is  called                you     to    manage…”
               “consumption”.        (Kalantari,            (Qur’an, 4: 5)
               2005: 19)
                  Considering  the  mentioned           In  this  verse,  property  is

               definitions  (for  consumption),      deemed  to  be  the  reason  of
               economy means moderation in           continued existence and we are
               life affairs in order to correctly    ordered not to entrust it to the
               and  optimally  use  divine           feeble-minded person. Therefore,
               blessings and gain more pleasure.     not  only  does  not  Islam
                                                     consider  the  property  as  bad

               Economics         from        the     and  evil,  but  also  it  takes  the
               Perspective of the Holy Qur’an        property as the basis of human
               The  Holy  Qur’an  is  the  long      life. (Motahari, 1979: 36)
               live  miracle  of  the  Prophet  of          “Those      who,     when
               Islam that has paid attention to             spending,  are  neither

               all  aspects  of  human  life  with          wasteful  nor  tightfisted,
               its  exalted  teachings  and                 and  moderation  lies
               commands.  By  reviewing  the                between these (extremes)”.
               verses, it is concluded that the             (Qur’an, 25: 67)
               economic issues of  the society          Moreover,  studying  the  life
               and  the  family  have  a  special    style  of  the  religious  leaders

               place  in  the  Qur’an,  as  it  is
                                                     and Islamic scholars in terms of
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