Page 114 - Pure Life 28
P. 114

Analyzing the Women’s Role… M.M Safouraei Parizi / (113

               problems, lack of work experience     members  by  thanking  God,
               with  the  family  members,  etc.     praying  to  and  getting  help
               can disappear  the  management        from God to fulfill the material

               role of women at home. But the        needs  of  the  family.  (Afshari,
               experienced women can tackle          2001: 12)
               the problems with their correct          This  is  the  best  model  for
               and wise tactfulness and provide      playing  the  role  of  the  mother
               the  best  use  of  the  least        and  paying  attention  to  the
               facilities for family members.        emotional  needs  of  the  child

                  The role of religious patterns     and choosing the right allocation
               in  directing  human  life  to        and optimization of the economy.
               prosperity and salvation is vivid        The result is that the role of
               and  bright.  The  Holy  Lady         woman  in  the  household
               Zahra,  the  daughter  of  the        economy  should  always  be  at
               Prophet  Muhammad  is  a  good        the  focus  of  the  attention  of
               example  for  the  Muslims  with      senior managers of  the society

               regard to the family management       on  the  basis  of  the  family
               and family economic organization.     desires  and  cultural  and  social
               In the practical life style of the    preferences,  spending  time  at
               Holy  Lady  Zahra,  the  role  of     home to meet the family needs
               immaterial resources in Islamic       or  spending  the  same  time
               economy  is  more  important          outside  the  house  or  even  the

               that the financial resources that     finance jobs in work at home. It
               she made the most sensible and        is  obvious  that  neglecting  this
               reasonable use of these resources;    issue or paying attention to the
               like  she  created  the  highest      minor  and  marginal  roles  of
               level of free will for the family     women  will  be  irretrievable
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