Page 115 - Pure Life 28
P. 115
114 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 105-127, Autumn 2021
damage to her personality, as the family are obliged to act
well as the reduction of social upon and follow the family
utilization of her abilities. director, and this is not in
conflict with the consultation of
2. The Role of Other the director with the members.
Family Members (Rashidpour, 2001: 75)
The principle of commitment The primitive humans
and accountability which is the traveled to the desserts to meet
basic teachings of all religions their essential needs and
has been extremely emphasized supplied their food through
in Islam; especially, in the hunting and fishing. With the
economic issues. In the light of passage of time and changes in
this principle, life is properly the circle of human life and the
reorganized, and the suffering beginning of agriculture and
of human masses is reduced. husbandry, women have partnered
Since the home environment, with men in such products.
which is the most original Gradually, the traditional live
institution, cannot grow and gave way to the mechanical life
become lofty without proper and a huge transformation was
management, considering the created in the families and society,
man and woman identity, it is to the point that these changes
obvious that the most rightful affected the role of family
person to manage the house is members and in some families,
the man; because the woman the woman plays the role of a
cannot be as successful as the man and vice versa; this style is
man in the home management not the Islam’s way of life. The
due to her enormous emotions desirable family is the family
and feelings. The members of