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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 13-38, Serial Number 4, Autumn 2021

          The Human Soul According to the Upanishads and the Transcendent Wisdom
          Zulfiqar Haider * Dr. Hamidreza Rezania

          1. * Lecturer of Academic Departments, Faculty of Humanities, al-Hasanain International Institute,
          Punjab, Pakistan, (Corresponding Author)

          2. PhD in Comparative Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology
          and Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran,

                      I appreciate Dr. Rezania as supervisor, for helping me to compile the thesis.
           ARTICL INFO           ABSTRACT
           Article History:      SUBJECT  AND  OBJECTIVES:  The  study  of  the  human  soul  was

           Received 23 February 2021   considered  by  philosophers  since  ancient  times  and  eastern  philosophers
           Revised 11 September 2021   especially  Indian  had  believed  that  the  human  soul  is  eternal  and  for
           Accepted 14 November 2021   thousands of years transmigrates into various bodies and eventually it would
                                 disappear in Brahma’s essence. The most important school of Upanishadic
           Key Words:            Indian  philosophy  that  is  called  Vidanta  has  this  theory  about  the  soul.
           Human Soul
           Transcendent Wisdom   Another  school  under  study  is  the  transcendent  wisdom  of  Sadr  al-
                                 Muta'allehin.  With this description,  Are the theories  of both philosophical
                                 schools about the soul, the same or different? If there are differences, how
                                 should  the  theories  of  the  Upanishads  be  criticized  on  the  basis  of  the
           10.22034/IMJPL.2021.13162.1041   Transcendent Wisdom?
                                 METHOD AND FINDING: This article is a comparative one and is a new
           DOR:                  work in this ground, and the main sources of this research are the four journeys
           20.1001.1.26767619.2021.   of the Transcenddent Wisdom of Mulla Sadra and The Sirri-Akbar of Dara
                                 Shikoh. The  Upanishads  is  the first and  ancient  book of Indian philosophy
                                 explains; the soul is present in all parts of the human body and all body powers

                                 are manifestations of the soul, and the soul has unity with its all powers. The
                                 same  claim  is  made  by  Transcendent  Wisdom  of  Sadr  al-Mute'allihin  in

                                 Islamic philosophy  He says: The soul in its unity, is the whole of the powers
                                 and is present in all body.
                                 CONCLUSION: This article will compare the theories of two schools and the
                                 major ideas which will be discussed are; The Definition of the Soul, its Proofs,
                                 The  Immateriality  of  the  Soul,  The  Relationship  between  the  Soul  and  the
                                 Body and its Powers, The Eternity and Creation of the Soul, The Immortality
                                 and the Reincarnation of the Soul.
           * Corresponding Author:
           Email:                            Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
           ORCID: 0000-0003-0016-4147

                NUMBER OF                NUMBER OF               N A T I O N A LI T Y  O F
                REFERENCES                AUTHORS                     A U T H O R S
                     12                       2                      (Pakistan, Iran)
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