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               18  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 13-38, Autumn 2021

                      totally  blind  but  the          According to the Transcendent
                      body  having  soul  can        Wisdom, ideas of the Upanishads
                      know  things,  “Atman  is      are  not  deniable  and  the
                      same  as  knowledge.           Transcendent      Wisdom       in
                      When  the  soul  leaves        proving  soul  differs  of  the

                      the  body,  it  can  not  joy   Upanishads  because  proofs  of
                      and  can  not  know”,          Sadr al-Mute'allihin Shirazi are
                      (Dara  Shikoh,  1975,          in  logical  and  philosophical
                      V.  1:  251)  and  “before     statements  but  Upanishads  do
                      the  soul,  body  did  not     not have such characteristics.
                      have  any  knowledge.

                      (Ibid: 240)                    The Powers of the Soul
                   •  The soul is the cause of       The  Transcendent  Wisdom
                      the  brain  and  the  mind     expresses  three  kinds  of  the
                      activities;  analysing  of     soul; (vegetal soul, animal soul,
                      all  physical  and  mental     and human soul) and each kind
                      activities    and     their    of the soul has different powers:
                      concepts in mind, senses,          1.  Vegetal  soul  has  three

                      will  power  and  actions             kinds of powers:
                      in  the  world,  show  that           •      Power  of  getting
                      all  these  activities  are                  food;  each  living
                      impacts  of  a  universal                    body  needs  food,
                      soul  that  is  definitely  a                cells of each living
                      fixed  principle.  That  is                  body  change  and

                      the  universal  intellect                    new  cells      are
                      and all activities of mind                   replaced. The power
                      are  rays  of  soul  that  is                of nutrition absorbs
                      called Atman. (Ibid: 302)                    nutrients  into  the
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