Page 33 - Pure Life 28
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32 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 13-38, Autumn 2021
they will be punished. the theoretical and practical
(Shankara, 1957, V. 2: 372) perfection. Who knows the
These words state: a man by Brahman knows about whole
knowing the Brahma, will be world because nothing is out of
freed from illusions that force Brahman, (Benaris, 1926: 170)
him to think about body, home Shankara says:
etc, and this knowledge means Who knows Brahman,
just intuitive knowledge not knows all worlds, all
theoretical because this kind of Gods, all beings, souls
knowledge is Hijab in the way and every thing, for all
of true knowledge of Brahma. beings are controlled by
(Ibid: 293) Brahma. (Shankara,
Shobirt Lal says: 1983: 527)
sensory science causes
illusion of difference The Freed souls desire
between Atma and anything, they achive them.
Param Atma (Brahma). (Ibid, 2004: 626)
(Benaris, 1926: 255) According to the
Transcendent Wisdom; the
Also Shankara says: perfection of the soul is by its
as long as the personal soul theoretical intellectual power,
is trapped in the body and in this way soul will get united
sense organs. It remains in with universal soul, (Sadr al-
darkness but when knows its Mute'allihin Shirazi, 2004, V. 8:
origin, will know the unity with 395) or by getting united with
Brahma. (Shankara, 1957, the necessery being knows all
V. 2: 223) The result of this beings, (Ibid, V. 9: 194) and by
knowledge has influences on practical intellectual power,