Page 124 - Pure Life 29
P. 124
Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (123
significant instruments of Imagination creates the
understanding. Rumi believes bridge makes possible
that universal reason is the the awareness of the
“kernel” that is the center and interrelationship between
partial reason is the “rind”. the human and the divine.
(Fischer, 2017: 18)
The view that is faulty arises
from the weakness of his One should strengthen his
understanding imagination as it is a go-between
Universal reason is the kernel to union. Nice thought and
and the partial reason is like imagination will make man
the rind relaxed and unsound imagination
(Rumi, 1990, I: 3743) makes him disturbed. Huxley
states “The goods of the
Rumi advises people to rely on intellect, the emotions and the
universal reason not the partial imagination are real goods”.
reason. He states: (Huxley, 1945: 126)
Do not take the partial reason Nice imagination brings up
as thy vizier: make the Universal patience and patience are one
Intellect thy vizier, O king. of the signs of faith.
(Ibid, IV:1258) Imagination is a guest from the
unseen world and will probably
In the same spirit, Blake also
contends that imagination- which return to that world. Thus,
could have the same meaning sometimes the imagination and
of Rumi’s universal reason- is thought start with a turbulent
the bridge to union. Fischer storm and end in worthless
asserts that: undulations and fluctuations.
However, it is also possible