Page 126 - Pure Life 29
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Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (125

                      he  refused  and  acted        Luvah (passion), and Tharmas
                      arrogantly,  and  he  was      (body/instinct).
                      one  of  the  faithless.         Four Mighty Ones are in every

                      (Quran, 2: 34)
                                                     Man; a Perfect Unity
                  Therefore, the universal reason    Cannot  Exist.  but  from  the
               is  embodied  in  Ideal  man  or      Universal Brotherhood of Eden
               Adam.  In  this  regard,  Rumi        The Universal Man. To Whom
               also believes that prophets and       be Glory Evermore Amen
               saints  could  be  ideal  beings.     (Blake, 1963, 1-3.4-1-3.6, E 301)
               He states:                                 Blake’s   Universal    Man

                      The  saints  are  the          (Albion) that is the soul which
                      intellect of intellect, and    is  in  union  with  God  lives  in
                      (all) intellects (from the     Eden.  However,  due  to  the
                      beginning) to the end are      separation  from  God,  his
                      (under their control) like     perfect  soul  is  divided  into
                      camels. (Rumi, 1990, I: 2498)
                                                     four  characters  that  fall  into

               Four Zoas                             the world of Generation which
               In  the  same  way,  Blake  also      is  comparable  to  the  earth.  In

               believes  that  the  origin  of       their  prelapsarian  state,  Four
               creation is the Universal Man.        Zoas     are    free   of    any
               He  calls  that  Universal  man       contradiction and they are pure
               allegorically Albion. He believes     and innocent. Through acquiring
               in  four  distinguished  faculties    experiences  in  corporeal  life,
               (Four  Zoas),  namely,  Urthona       they  put  an  end  to  their
               (imagination), Urizen (reason),       innocence  and  fall  into  the
                                                     world  of  Generation.  In  this
                                                     world  of  Generation,  they  are
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