Page 120 - Pure Life 29
P. 120
Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (119
as the limited reason cannot over my Immortal/Spirit; a
understand God and infinite Selfhood.” Fischer claims that
universe. Blake has confirmed this issue
Rumi believes that our parts in Jerusalem: (Fischer, 2017)
of body like ear and eye
cannot see that metaphysical I am your Rational Power . . . &
truth. The light of partial that Human Form You call
reason cannot enlighten the Divine, is but a Worm
path to divine ground. Thus, seventy inches long
he states: That creeps forth in a night
& is dried in the morning sun
The spiritual ear and eye are (Blake, Jerusalem, pl. 29:
other than this sense-perception 5–7, E 175)
The ear of discursive reason Likewise, Rumi believes that
and the ear of opinion are reason is like a prison for
destitute of this (inspiration) the wayfarers of the path to
(Rumi, 1990, I: 1462) the divine ground and you
cannot apprehend these
Relatively, Blake also believes metaphysical concepts through
that reason is a barrier between sense because those senses
“vegetable man” and his are even captive to the reason.
im m o rta l im a g in a tio n ” . A c c o rd in g ly ,
Fischer asserts that “Disembodied Sense-perception is captive to
rationalism is a major source the intellect, O reader; know
of this loss. As the divine also that the intellect is captive
spark that is in fallen man to the spirit.
is hidden. The Spectre is ‘a (Rumi, 1990, III: 1824)
false Body: an Incrustation